December 2021

Start With the End in Mind

Confucius said “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”.

At The Farm Process Management we would humbly add that, however long the journey, you should always have your destination in mind. There may be something to be said for the explorer who embarks on a quest with no destination in mind, but while that’s fine for adventure stories it’s not a wise strategy in business.  

Innovators and entrepreneurs throughout history have always understood the truth of this.  Tim Berners-Lee imagined the worldwide web long before it was a reality.  Richard Branson started his mail order record store knowing his aim was one day to own an airline.  Oprah Winfrey didn’t let the poverty of her childhood divert her from her ambitions to become the queen of US media.  These are extraordinary examples of people who started with the end in mind.

But exactly the same principle applies in the more modest environments in which the vast majority of businesses operate.   On a macro level you may have a vision for where you want your business to be in five, ten or twenty years.  But on a micro level you’ll be implementing short-term projects all the time.  It is absolutely essential that you have a clear idea of what each project should look like at its conclusion and equally vital to avoid carrying out tasks ‘just because’.

Getting to that conclusion won’t necessarily be a straightforward journey.  Instead the process will involve a series of decisions – some major ones at the outset and many more which will become necessary along the way to manage the unforeseen and unexpected. Decision-making is one of the fundamental, daily demands of running a business.

But just as you need to keep your destination in mind at all times, you should also be sure that the decisions you make along the way are informed and considered, not just reactive and improvised.  For every decision made you should ask yourself why.  If you can’t answer that question you need to examine the decision again until you can.

If you can’t explain to yourself the reasoning behind every company decision then how can you expect your employees to understand?  

Running a business is not or shouldn’t be like the army, where orders are followed blindly.  Business is all about co-operation and informed teamwork, carrying people with you.  A boardroom decision needs to be implemented, cared for and owned by the teams on the ground, offering constructive feedback - that’s how you’ll get the best out of your staff.  Expecting your team to implement a decision that makes no sense to them is not going to end well.

Starting with the end in mind is an invaluable maxim.  But each step on the way demands equal of clarity, imagination and vision.  At The Farm Process Management it’s a lesson we understand very well. Let us help you formulate a strategy for planning and decision-making that will help you achieve – and exceed – your boldest aspirations.

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